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KMID : 0359020100410020123
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2010 Volume.41 No. 2 p.123 ~ p.127
A Case of Strongyloides Stercoralis Concurrently Invading the Stomach and Colon
Koh Eun-Sil

Kang Sang-Bum
Lee Jeong-Hwa
Lee Dong-Soo
Kim Yon-Soo
Lee Seung-Woo
Ahn Young-Yong
Heo Tae-Yun
Strongyloides stercoralis is a nematode that may involve any segment of the Gl tract or virtually every human organ because of its autoinfection cycle and hyperinfection. It may occur in either immunocompetent or immunocompromised individuals. A 72-year-old woman who had no notable medical history presented with chronic diarrhea and generalized edema and she revealed protein losing eneteropathy. She was diagnosed with Strongyloidiasis infection through EGD and a colonoscopic biopsy specimen at a time when there were rhabditiform larvae present. The patient was treated with albendazole 400 mg/day for three days. At the follow-up three months later, the endoscopic biopsy specimens revealed no evidence of Strongyloidiasis infection and her clinical symptoms had progressively improved. The present case represents a rare report of Strongyloidiasis in a immunocompetent patient diagnosed through EGD and the colonoscopic biopsy specimen concurrently. So, we report on this case along with a review of the relevant literature.
Stomach, Colon, Strogylodiasis, Chronic diarrhea, Hypoalbuminemia
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